Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Enhancing the Size of Your Breasts and Nipple Too?

Breast enhancement exercises are perhaps the cheapest and most natural method for promoting breast growth although they require a dedicated approach to make them work. The most popular breast enhancement exercise is a push-up. Here’s the right way to do push-ups:


  1. Lie facing down on your stomach on a flat surface.

  2. Bend your knees and cross your ankles.

  3. Now start bending your elbows while keeping your palms in line with your shoulders.

  4. Remaining balanced on your palms and elbows raise your body - keeping your ankles crossed. This way, you don’t raise too much weight. Don’t straighten your elbows when raising the body - it may cause damage to your joints.

  5. Slowly lower your entire body, but don’t lie down. You should decrease the angle only until your arms become in line with the floor.

    If you fancy a bigger areola, see a doctor..hehe

1 comment:

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